Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Programming Job Trends

It's interesting how popularity of programming languages changes year by year. And such popularity between employers is even more interesting. For software developers specifically.

A nice 7 year trend of popular programming languages in United States is provided by indeed. It shows percentage of jobs available for specific programming languages to all job postings.

c,c++,c#,clojure,groovy,java,php,python,ruby,scala Job Trends graph

Surprisingly old plain C is still in high demand at about 5% level. Even small growth is noticeable.

On the other hand big and growing number of available Java job is no surprise at all.

Demand for C++ programmers is 3 times less comparing to C, and more than twice as less comparing to Java. It's weird, but C++ seems to slightly, very slightly loose its popularity. It's now overtaken by C#.

PHP is climbing in popularity, but still just at about 1% level. Popularity of Python and Ruby is even smaller, but they started at about zero level on the graph.

Other languages need a graph at different scale.

clojure,groovy,scala Job Trends graph

Number of Groovy jobs started to grow in 2007, and now it's at about 0.05% level. Comparing to C it's a hundred times less jobs. But the trend is very aggressive, so we can expect more Groovy jobs soon.

Scala and Clojure started to grow about the same time — somewhere in the middle of 2009. But Scala grows much faster, and now it's at 0.03% level, while Clojure is still at about 0.005% level.

The lower part of the job trend graph is occupied by functional or hybrid languages starting from Python as their top. Seems like market is not quite ready for OOP to FP shift, but changes are coming…

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